Nostradamus predictions 2020 in english, nostradamus predictions about india , the prophecies, the prophecies of nostradamus pdf Nostradamus, who is nostradamus was a French astrologer and physician
Brian Dunning the author of the Skeptoid podcast called out people claiming prophecies out of Nostradamus’ cryptic quatrains. He said: “Nostradamus' writings are exploited in a number of fallacious ways. “Ambiguous and wrong translations, ‘creative’ interpretations, hoax writings, fictional accounts, and the breaking of non-existent codes within his quatrains all contribute to a vast body of work, all of it wrong, and many times the size of everything Nostradamus ever actually wrote.”Nostradamus predicted 2008 crisis, and ALSO in 2020
Great things are:
- – the United States is facing an economic stagnation for several years
- – the end of the crisis is still out of sight
- – the exchange markets are in free fall and have reached panic levels
- – the economic fundamentals are no longer applying today.
Nostradamus predict climate change in 2020 is true?
According to Mr Hamilton-Parker’s predictions, there is a possibility natural disasters will ravage the planet in 2020. He said: “2020 will see many earthquakes. In particular, Japan and India will see major quakes that may cause disruption to the Summer Olympics. “The USA will also experience earthquakes.” The psychic also predicts Miami will be “badly damaged” by a hurricane and a volcano will erupt on a small island, although he could not specify where.
2020 Presidential Election: Trump will win again Destructive Earthquakes Economic crisis in 2020 Brexit in 2020 - A Great Empire Will Fall England will have a new king Wildfires on a staggering scale Record Number of Storms Sea level rise Big War Implanted chips Humans will live on the Moon Kim Jong-Un will be dethronedFirst up is Nostradamus, the oldest and most famous of all alleged seers. This may who lived in the 15th century is said to have accurately predicted not only the rise of Adolf Hitler but the catastrophic Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. He is also thought to have predicted the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy among other things:
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